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today, i've surf in the net for any interesting news. then I came across PPIM website. I read about the news that asked us muslim to boycott products by companies that support israel. satisfied with the article, i then read the comments for it. some comments caught my attention especially this "IBM/Intel/Nokia....jadi apakah kita harus memusnahkan barangan yang digelar penyokong Yahudi ini? Apakah AMD, syarikat Amerika yang membuat barang teknologi juga tidak diboikot? Motorola? Jadi adakah kita harus membuang laptop-laptop, desktop-desktop, handphone-handphone, yang dibuat oleh syarikat2 ini untuk memboikotnya? Bagaimana pula syarikat2 teknologi Malaysia yang membeli barangan syarikat yang diboikot? Adakah KAMI peniaga2 yang tidak bersalah pun diboikot kerana menyokong syarikat ini?" wrote by a member of the website i guess.
firstly i want to say something about throwing away those techs in order to boycott the designated products.totally not a good is call wasting or 'membazir' in malay.why should we throw it since we had bought it in the first place. the money still go to's not that when we throw those stuff,they refund your cash.logic please..
then about the 'innocent businessmen' ..dude selling those products is the same as supporting the jews in israel. its not innocent anymore. its accomplice with them.should you stop taking stocks from the fear you can't do business because of that?where are your faith?be prepared to sacrifice worldly stuff. your bankruptcy is still not worth a bit compared to those who stand in frontline guarding our holy land.
we must use everything we got to defeat Zionist scum.we sure don't have the technology like them. but we can use their weapon against them. don't hesitate to acquire knowledge if the source come from them because it is our only chance to make the turning point in the future.think further.don't just use brute force as it won't work against them.don't just demonstrate in the street while our brothers at Palestine are being bomb back to stone age.