Tuesday, July 15, 2008

parliament or playgarden?

if you're searching some entertainment or something to laugh about, you better watch those guys in the parliament.damn fun I told ya. I'd rather say they are not professional at all(no offense).kutuk2 words flying around like crazy. I supposed they must be at least(AT LEAST!!) to stop cursing each other in there or they will always be the rakyat's laughing material. Or maybe after this Yang Dipertua Dewan must bring rotan to pukul any naughty in there.hehe no offense~


-rye- said...

mase dlu² ingatkan bahas ala parlimen sejibik sejebot cam dlm parlimen..skali rase mcm bahas 'ala' parlimen lagi best drp parlimen sebenar...setujukah anda?

Burger Dale said...

setuju besar..mase debate sekolah tak boleh kutuk2.yang real punya boleh saja ku lihat.=D

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