Tuesday, September 9, 2008

aku tak brape minat tag~hehe jgn marah aku tak wat tag~

1. The person who last tag you is:-
rai,rye,raihanah, raihan, najibah, jibah, ra-e

2. Your relationship with him/her is:~
macam langit dgn bumi

3. Your five impression of him/her:
- meriah
- banyak cakap

- banyak kawan
- banyak tulis

- yang banyak2 tu..sume die ar

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
-tag aku.hahaha

5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:-
-buatlah tag paden oi!

6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
- tinggikan dia (no offense~)

7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
- tinggikan diri (serious dowh rye,no offense~hahahaha)

8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
- jual laptop die

9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
- aku tggi dari die (bulan puasa..jangan marah2)

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- baca paper same2..borak2 politik haram jadah

11. Your overall impression of him/her is:

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
- skema kering

13. The characters you love of yourself are:
- sume kot..klu tak suka dh lame bunuh diri

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
- ish..xde laa..

15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
- Tun M!!

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
- I care 4 u all too!

17. Pass this quiz to 5 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:

#1.Adam (ala ko xde blog lak..)
#2. Ganu (jiwang2 pon leh wat gak mnde ni)
#3. Angah(angah2..rajen2 buat tag ni ye!)
#4. Kecik (kecik..woi..kecik)
#5. Chipan (antu ni..)

18. Who is no.1 having relationship with?
- kosong lagi kot..

19. Is no.4 a male or female?
- fuish..lelaki macho pilihan UTP

20. If no.3 and 5 are together, will it be a good thing?
- haha tidak!!tak mungken..

22. What is no.2 studying about?
- falsafah chenta~

23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
- last dua tiga hari yg lalu kot

24. What kind of music band does no.4 like?
- korg dgr la republic of brickfields..

25. Does no.1 have any siblings?
- sume adek pompuan~

26. Will you woo no.2?
- ish..aku x gay la

27. How about no.4?
- taknak..

28. Is no.1 single?
- semestinya YA!

29. What is the surname of no.3?
- angah..angosh..raja nurul anis.haha

30. What’s the hobby of no.5?
- tido...xde keje laen

31. Does no.1 and 5 get along well?
- agak la..

32. Where is no.2 studying at?- UTP.

33. Talk something casually about no.1:-
-masalah negara arh..

34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.3?
- top secret level 5 national security threat file

35. Where does no.5 live at?
- zoo taiping

36. What colour does no.2 like?
- err..die ni warna warni orangnye

37. Are no.3 and 1 best friend?
-tak knal kot

38. Does no.3 have any pets?-
-alamak..angah,ade ke pet?xde rsenye.

39. Is no.1 the sexiest person in the world?-
-jangan sebut dowh..sexy abes

40. What is no.5 doing now?
-tido la..bape kali aku nk cakap..

abess..hehe panjang tul..

1 comment:

-rye- said...

nasib baca nie tym mood tgh cun, walopun agak 'geram', tp leh senyum lg..hahaha..bjaya jugak aku paksa blogger-anti-tag tegar wat tag..lagi sorg jela yg tgl utk dipaksa..neway, domo thanko!!

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